December 17, 2008

Want Ads

Air guitarist looking to form band

I played some classical growing up, but now I rock the bass guitar on a nightly basis. Sold out six consecutive shows in my basement (July 2005). I'm looking for people who want to play pure rock & roll and blow some minds.


- Lead air guitar: Looking for a real teeth clenching wild man here. Lot of emotion.

* Making good guitar sounds with your mouth a plus.

- Air drummer. Only the best of the best need apply. We're talking Keith Moon, but in a Corolla, banging on the steering wheel.

- Air congo drummer. Big, long solos with your eyes closed the entire time. Plan on having your mouth open through most of our live acts.

Other needs: roadies; van

Auditions now through February 1

Demond 555-7734

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