October 21, 2009


The Kaynesport County Fair is back!

"BYOI....bring your own iguanas."

- Kaynesport mayor Morris J. Woodiger

Rides and attractions

- Giant Spoon Kid-Toss
- Pine Cone Man Ride (new!)
- Kicking Booth
- Mouthwash Dunk Tank

Musical acts

* Dottie and the Uninterested
* Soy Sauce Revival
* Peggy Cliff
* Rory & Merle

Delicious foods

* Aunt Kendra's Chocolate-Covered Eyelids
* Breads of different sogginess


The return of Leaky the Clown and his world-famous Balloon Vegetables

- Parsnip now available!

Join us for all the fun, November 13-15 at the D'herwood Fairgrounds

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